Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Come heavy or don't come at all.

Originally uploaded by less like math
In case you somehow haven't heard, or you forgot, or you just can't get enough of hearing about it:

Yart Sale!!!!
Sunday May 3rd (this weekend)
Birdhouse Gallery
1304 E. Cesar Chavez
9a.m. until 9ish p.m.

Here's a very incomplete list of people who will have wonderful pleasers for sale:

myself, of course
Summer Anne
Bopnnie Rue
Jeff Freeman
Kathleen Noble
Amarin Enyart
Kevin Foote
Michelle Foster
Flip Solomon
Clayton Kalman
Patton Quinn

and oh jeez, lotsa other people too!!!!!

There will be lots and lots of lovely things to buy. We're having a Tito's sponsored Bloody Mary Mix-off at noon. (Open entry, bring your own ingredients, we supply the vodka, bring enough to mix for three judges, more if you're feeling generous).

There's an art raffle going on all day and we'll draw winners at 6 p.m.
There are cupcakes and cookies and sweetie treats in the works, and otter pops, and beers, and artsy craftsies, and maybe a hand-over-mouth kissing booth, and whatever else we can think of to entertain you between now and then.

I'm really excited about this and you should all come and bring everyone you know. My mom is going to be there, if that's a selling point for anyone.

It will be a total circus and it will be really really super fun!!!!!

So come to Yart! Do it do it do it!!!!

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