Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Nautical Themed Pashmina Ascot and other things that are funny.

I'm pretty much ALWAYS way behind on all of the viral video bounty floating around the internet and this, I'm sure, is no exception. That fact notwithstanding I still think this is funny enough to warrant it's own blog post. So I am giving it to you, because I love you.

Also of note, this book:

It is full of comics based on real life Missed Connection ads. Julia Wertz of Fart Party fame edited and contributed to it as did other personal heroes and heroines of mine, Laura Park, Gabrielle Bell, Jeffrey Brown, and many many many other really great folks. It is hilarious and sad and sometimes, well.....uncomfortably easy to relate too. You should get it and read it. That is my advice to you.

Also, because I love all of you so much, here is my own little missed connection drawing sent here straight from my ultra unfancy phone. You love this shit.

That should do it for today, i think. You're all doing a really good job.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Are you there Rissa? It's me, the rest of the world.

Where the heck did i go, right?

Semi-crazy, and totally broke were def. places I visited. Who's kidding who here? I'm still kind of in both of those places.

I did get a new job though, which is always a great feeling. Unless you get a sucky new job, I guess.

I'm keeping this brief, tip-toeing back into the world of my totally kickass blog so I'll just say that if you need things to care about this week care about my new awesome job at a place called They Might Be Monkeys! (you read that right, but Brad Pitt does not work here) Also, you should be caring about how this album has and is still saving my life.

We're all so lucky that people are taking care of trees and Phosphorescent is recording Willie Nelson tribute albums, and that my awesome blog is back! yay!!!!