Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Want To Do This With You. (and you and you and you and you and you...)

This is a new (?) T-mobile commercial that obvs originally aired in the UK. I suppose it's not actually that "new" but it's new to me and it'll prolly be new to at least a couple of my many thousands of readers. Okay, so yeah, this is probably where you remind me that it's an advertisement. T-mobile spent a lot of time and monies to make this happen so that hundreds of people would pull out their cell phones and take pictures and videos and send them to lots of people and then we see that and we're like "oh yeah!! joy happens because of cell phones, I almost forgot!". They're manipulating me into buying what they sell. But, you joyless naysaying hater of fun, T-mobile is already my cell phone provider so I'm not really being manipulated here. I can just enjoy it.

I can't stress enough how much I love the concept of lots of people seemingly spontaneously busting a move. The first time I watched this video this morning I cried a little. Then a little more the second time. By the third time I managed not to cry at all but I do feel like crying a little as I'm typing this. I am not joking, it just makes me REALLY REALLY happy. When was the last time you cried from joy? Think hard. I bet it was awhile ago. If you're anything like me, it's probably about to happen again. Watch the video. Then we can learn this dance together!!! Or we can make up a different dance!!! And we can teach it to a lot of people!!! And we can just up and start doing it somewhere one day!!! We will need a boombox!!!

We are going to do this. Me and every last one of you. I mean it.


  1. I too am very excited about this!!
    and know that I always check "marry me" & "booger eater" on your blog.
    It's one phrase "Marry Me Booger Eater!"

    know this!
    and dance!

  2. this booger eater would marry you any day!

    let's dance!!!!!!!!

  3. are they having these dances all around?? i got the chills like 5 times watching that video. Sooo rad!!!!

  4. i don't know, this is the only one i've seen.

    i wish you lived closer to me, cause i KNOW you would be down for doing things like this!!
