Sunday, December 28, 2008

So so sorry quail.


Dear Animal Kingdom,

I'm sorry I'm an asshole.

*I almost did murder on one of these over christmas. How's that for the spirit of the season? Almost though, the almost is the important part.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Foto Goldmine!

the rue.

kate's amazing face

I went to the Trophy's Christmas party last night with Bonnie. I drank, I laughed, I took lots and lots of pictures. That party was a total goldmine of good faces. In hindsight I wish I would have stayed longer. I've always been really shy about asking strangers if I can take their picture. I'm trying to get over that. People generally love having their picture taken. Especially at parties. Right? I mean, I do. So from now on I will be more assertive when I see a great face in public. And, I will not take my very nice new camera along on especially drunken nights. It didn't occur to me until this morning but that's a really bad idea. Noted. If you see me out, please, treat my camera like my car keys. Take it the frig away from me if I've had too many. It's not hard to tell. Ask anyone.

Friday, December 19, 2008

1 Part Validation to 1 Part Self Deprication.

Originally uploaded by less like math
I finally sold something (some things) from my art show!! Maybe that shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is. Maybe I shouldn't be such a capitalist about the things that I make. Maybe I shouldn't want to appeal to the larger populace. Well.....yeah, but it is and I do. I sold three prints and the original of the stitched calculator watch and I could not possibly be more pleased. Ya know, with myself. *ahem*

In the interest of humbling myself down from this crest of self congratulatory behavior I've decided to provide you, my readership, with an anecdote involving myself, poetry, and no shortage of cringe-worthy ridiculousness.

Like we all do, from time to time I Google myself just to see what I'm up to. Other than things from my Flickr page and the Eastland County record of my birth the only thing that ever consistently comes up when searching my name is A LOT, and I do mean A LOT, of porn websites. Now with a name like Larissa Swindle that's not a huge huge surprise, I guess. I do sometimes like to imagine that some really pissed ex-boyfriend embedded my full name in a bunch of hardcore porn sites just to be mean. I don't even know if that's a thing, embedding my name, but it seems funny and better than my parents choosing the same name for me that many many women choose along with a career in porn.

Anywho....last week, amongst all the porn, was a link that I've never seen come up before. Egads!!!! I did something new?!?! No, I didn't. It was a link to a poetry website where I made the misguided and ill-advised decision to post a rancorous bit of adolescent poetry. Except I wasn't really an adolescent. Okay, I wasn't an adolescent at all. I was like, 23. And because I love each and every one of you, my honeys, here ya go.

It's like I'm kicking Anne Sexton in the babymaker over and over again.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hello and welcome to my blog. It will be great. You will really like it.

I'm not really sure what it will be about. Shamelessly promoting myself, of course, but in what way and to what end I haven't yet decided. But like I said before it will be great for you, my future readership. I'm going to spend the rest of the night thinking of some talking points. Be ready. I mean it godamnit. You better be ready.