Wednesday, September 9, 2009

o hai there!

Q: You know what's better than NEVER posting anything on this blog at all?

A: Having my first post in 3 months be about this other blog I've started.

'Cause that's how things work.

Soooooooooooooo.....i have this new blog.

Name: I Know That's A Thing...
Age: um, like....a week or two.
Interests: ya know, shows and movies and Wikipedia and cleaning products, that kind of thing.
Religion: ex nihilo nihil fit...or whatever.
Here for: finding out about stuff and dropping tons of knowledge on you guys. you are welcome.

So far I have thoroughly covered:

Underwater Photography

The Dormouse

Whether or not it is possible or okay for your sternum to pop.

Coming Soon:  the phrases "On the wagon" and "Off the wagon".  What they mean and which one is the bad one.

Don't miss it!