Friday, March 6, 2009

until we all make it.

fake it.
Originally uploaded by less like math
Happy Friday Everybody!!!!!

You know how, for no real reason, some days just sort of shape up for you. Every normal little thing you do feels special or hilarious or important or awesome. Every thing looks like it was lit professionally. This is that kind of day for me. Reason? Well, dear reader, let me break it down for you:

* I'm working, but everyone else is out of town or has the day off. It's weird but it's not not fun.

* i changed my relationship status today. ahem.

* Bradders and I are both working in offices so we're playing office games. Particularly fax games. Facts fax games. And we made file folders for our facts faxes. If you don't think faxes are funny you are wrong.

* Staple is this weekend and Jeffrey Brown is in town for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Yesterday I went swimming for this first time this year, went to softball for the first time this year and had a conversation with a boy that I really like. The kind where it seems like something bad is going to happen and really something crazy good happens.

* I put pictures up on Flickr for the first time in awhile. And that always feels good. Always.

* I've spent my whole day listening to Maritime, which is a band that I LOVE and that I had sort of forgotten to love lately.

Have a great weekend, readership. Seriously. You better do it.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, I watched that fax video and may I just say that I almost had an accident in my chair, but I also feel as though I may have nightmares about fax machines and spiraling, whirring text and that boy's disembodied, warped head chasing me down a hallway. Well done, Riss.
