Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All around from far away across the world.....!!!!!!!!!!

Life things have been crazy for me lately and my friend Jen sent me this today to cheer me up a little. What I assume she didn't realize was that somehow I completely missed any kind of news that there were even plans to MAKE a movie of Where The Wild Things Are. This is the best surprise I've had in a LONG time. I know I'm not even close to alone when I say that this was my VERY FAVORITE book when I was little. I think it's at least in most peoples' top three. That doesn't diminish the feeling that it is MORE important to me than it is to other people. That's the great thing about having all-time favorites. They always feel like they're more your favorite than they've ever been anyone else's. I still have the same copy of Where The Wild Things Are that I had when I was five years old. It has actually belonged to Braedyn for the past 6 (almost 7) years. It's falling apart and the pages are yellowed and it smells great!! And now there's a MOVIE!!!! A Spike Jonze directed movie with a screenplay by Dave Eggers (!!!!) and it stars Catherine Keener, Paul Dano, James Gandolfini, and Forest Whitaker!!!!!

This is a great day to be me. This is a great day to be anyone.

This day is brought to you by exclamation points!


1 comment:

  1. I thought we had talked about this?!
    Maybe I just imagined it...

    Can't wait - it looks SO good!
