Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tiny Little Roll Call!

Originally uploaded by less like math
Last night I was at an ASL softball game (Emo's v. New Brohemia, for those interested [also worth noting, there was a dude in a full bearsuit in attendance...FULL BEARSUIT]) and the conversation on my periphery turned, pretty early on, to the ridiculousness/appeal of Coors Light in those tiny little 8oz. cans. They are patently ridiculous on most levels. What the point of that amount of Coors Light could possible be is completely beyond me. But even as you're rolling your eyes at them, it's hard not to start feeling a little bit of an affinity for them. They're just so SMALL!!! Not unlike Pearl "stubbies", which in a simpler time and in my unwavering teenage opinion during said simpler time, were the best beers of all time.
In discussing the pros and cons of these tiny beers it occurs to me that we should use the existence of things like ridiculously tiny beers as a jumping off point for what I think is the best theme party idea ever. Yes.....EVER.

It is.....

you guessed it!


In my perfect vision the ingredients for this party would include but not be limited to; tiny beers, tiny cocktails, tiny food, tiny cupcakes, tiny music, tiny musical instruments, tiny decorations, and best of all it will be a costume party and people have to wear tiny clothes!!! (for some reason that is my favorite part)

Maybe it's just me....no, it's not just me.....this is a great idea. My birthday is right around the corner. Maybe I'll just throw this tiny party for myself.


Yes, I would do that. Yes, definitely.

I am welcome to suggestions, anything that you can imagine being better in tiny form. I'm thinking tiny pinatas....just big enough for 3 or 4 pieces of candy or a tiny bottle of booze. We could beat them with copsticks, they would be THAT TINY!!!!

And now, some tiny things that I would like you to take note of:

Everyone's favorite......Fake Tiny Food!!! Even better, fake foreign tiny food!!!!

And then, going above and beyond, there is Real Tiny Food, like this!
You can get the recipe for them at That's Not What The Recipe Says Dot Com.

Courtesy of Martha Stewart, tiny pinatas are a real thing!
Try to even think about these without it making you feel a little crazed. Not.possible.

♥ The Bristlebot ♥
Wanna make your own? OKAY!!!!

These tiny tiny comics by Phil McAndrew
They are about 1.25" tall and in full color! My heart is officially beating too fast for me to confidently consider it healthy.

Who could ever forget this tiny house. This tiny house that WILL one day be mine. And the Turk's, I suppose.
Tiny Texas Houses

Lastly, these little Kurt Halsey drawings on 45's. He understands tiny better than most anyone. I think that's probably a fact.
Kurt Halsey

Okay!!!! one more thing. (it's really very hard to stop)

A tiny little video for a tiny little song about bruises and strawberries!

Ack! Okay, seriously, last thing. We'll pretend I didn't even include this one.
Goddamnit, slow loris. You are so cute.


The End.

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