Monday, December 22, 2008

Foto Goldmine!

the rue.

kate's amazing face

I went to the Trophy's Christmas party last night with Bonnie. I drank, I laughed, I took lots and lots of pictures. That party was a total goldmine of good faces. In hindsight I wish I would have stayed longer. I've always been really shy about asking strangers if I can take their picture. I'm trying to get over that. People generally love having their picture taken. Especially at parties. Right? I mean, I do. So from now on I will be more assertive when I see a great face in public. And, I will not take my very nice new camera along on especially drunken nights. It didn't occur to me until this morning but that's a really bad idea. Noted. If you see me out, please, treat my camera like my car keys. Take it the frig away from me if I've had too many. It's not hard to tell. Ask anyone.


  1. you should make it a habit t go out once a week and take photos of strangers. That was soo much fun!

    hope you had a lovely xmas!

  2. i am def. going to try to do that.


    ack! i left my camera in wes.tx.

